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Does the national standard life insurance company Orlando still exist and how to get in contact with them?

There had been a company called National Standard Life Insurance Company that was located in Montgomery, Alabama. Its policies were reinsured by All States Life Insurance Company, which changed its name to Oil Industries Life Insurance Company, then to Businessmen;s Insurance Company, and then merged into Kentucky Central Life Insurance Company. The insurance business of Kentucky Central was taken over in 1995 by Jefferson-Pilot Life Insurance Company of Greensboro, NC. The Office of Financial Regulation in Tallahassee, Florida shows no insurer with that name as licensed to transact business in Florida.

Is there a such life insurance company as federal life insurance company?

There is an insurance company called Federal Life Insurance Company.

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Where is the insurance company LifeQuote headquartered?

Life Quote insurance is a company offering a variety of life insurance packages. It's headquarters can be found in Coral Gabels, Florida. It was also one of the first companies to allow life insurance quoting over the phone during the 1980's.

Is there any life insurance that has single digit premiums?

Life insurance premiums vary by policy. There are few that offer single digit premiums.

Where is Jackson National Life Insurance Company situated?

Jackson National Life insurance company is headquartered in Lansing, Michigan and has offices in: Denver, Colorado, California, Santa Monica, Chicago, Tampa, Florida, Illinois and Appleton, Wisconsin.

Is Banner Life Insurance available in Florida?

Yes, Banner Life Insurance is available in the state of Florida. Banner Life Insurance is actually available in 49 states.

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Who pays for the physical that is required by a life insurance company?

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Does the Philadelphia Life Insurance Company still exist?

No, Philadelphia Life Insurance Company merged into Conseco Life Insurance Company in October, 1998