A headlight leveling system adjusts the vertical aim of the headlights based on the position of the rear suspension. As you load the trunk of a car, bed of a truck, etc. the suspension is compressed to allow the vehicle to ride smoothly. This causes traditional headlights to aim higher. A headlight leveling system lowers the headlight beam to compensate for this allowing the driver to see the road clearly without blinding oncoming traffic.
I have a 2001 RX300 with high intesity discharge headlights. My headlight leveling warning light comes on occasionally also. The system responds to lights coming the other direction and height of the ground in front of you. If there is a street light or the road goes up or down a hill, the system may get confused. If you have an older model like mine, dont worry about it. If your car is newer you may want to take it to the dealer.
De-leveling the System - 2012 was released on: USA: November 2012
An automatic leveling system is a suspension system which automatically adjusts front and rear ride heights to compensate for changes in axle load.
It could have load leveling shocks in the rear.
More than likely you have an air leak in the airride shock system. It means that the air compressor is running excessively.
2018 suberban
There are many reasons why the leveling system will quit working. The first thing to check would be the brake interlock wires, one may have come loose.
??and what is it you wish to know??
On my 05 Prius the problem was the axle height sensor located near the left rear wheel.
there are many ways out for leveling and are water leveling ,dumpy leveling ,laser leveling , sprite levalling