I've done some research and GL cars is a used car shop. But are you getting mixed with BL British Layland
The weekend opening hours of the company GL Cars who are based in Surrey are 9:00 am whilst 3:00 pm on saturdays. Unfortunately they are not open on sundays.
The GS stands for Grand Sport most of the time. These cars typically had higher than normal BHP and better handling than the GL versions. The GL means Grand Luxury on most makes. And; while I'm at it - the GT means Grand Touring.
Some cars during those years did not have a petcock. Need to lossen the bottom hose and drain.
Mercedes-Benz M-Class and GL-Class cars are manufactured in Mexico and USA (Tuscaloosa, AL).
i thinks its about 50 L because when i fill my cars tank it took 42L and there was already some in there.
GL= Grand Luxe (Luxury ver of Taurus)
AnswerThe GL in reference to vehicles usually means Grand Luxury.The internet slang GL means Good Luck.
GL means good luck.
GL stands for Graphics Library.
On the newer cars like the Jetta there is no timing adjustment as it is set on the fly y the engine computer in accordance with sensor inputs.
You can use API GL-4, SAE 75W90 semi synthetic for your Galant. There are standard types of oil used in these types of cars.
gl is goodluck use all the time when playing online games