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C f ef a g fg agf f a cd dc aa fg fg agf dd c f dc aa fg fg dc aa cd dc aa fg fg agf dd c f
14k fg wedding band
3 Points for a Field Goal in (American) Football Game
FG = 6 :)
FG are the initials of Frank Gasparro, who designed the Lincoln Memorial reverse.
I believe 10K FG means 10 Caret Fine Gold.
a FG-42 is a gun created by the Third Reich of Germany1942 & was stopped being used in 1945. Made in . But there is no FG-42 in Black Ops, the only Call Of Duty(s) that have a FG-42 is CoD5 & CoD1.
The FG stands for Frank Gasparro the designer of the reverse of the coin.
FG stands for the designer of this coin, Frank Gasparro.
In mathematics it could represent the combination of two functions. e.g. f = 2x + 3 g = 5x + 9 Hence fg = f(g) = 2(5x + 9) + 3 fg = 10x + 18 + 3 fg = 10x + 21