

What is Bauxite used to make?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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It is used to make Aluminum products.

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Q: What is Bauxite used to make?
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What Is bauxite make for?

bauxite is made for mineral used to make aluminum.The Aluminium ore is known as Bauxite (Al2O3).

What rock is used to make aluminum?


What is the rock used to make aluminum?

The rock used to make aluminum is called bauxite. Bauxite is a sedimentary rock that is the primary source of aluminum. It is mined and processed to extract aluminum oxide, which is then used to produce aluminum metal.

Is bauxite used to make table salt?

No it is Halite.

Mineral used to make aluminum?

Bauxite is the primary mineral used to make aluminum. It is a rock composed mainly of aluminum hydroxides and iron oxides. Through a process called the Bayer process, bauxite is refined into alumina, which is then used to produce aluminum metal.

What process is used to make aluminum?

you need to smelt bauxite

What were the natural resources used to make aluminum?

Bauxite is the ore used in aluninum manufacture.

What metal is bauxite used for?

Bauxite is aluminum ore.

What do Russians use bauxite for?

Bauxite is used in the production of aluminum

What is Bauxite or aluminum Ore used for?

Aluminum metal is made from Bauxite.

How can you use bauxite in a sentence?

Bauxite is a primary source of aluminum used in various industries.

Is bauxite an ore of aluminium?

Yes. Bauxite is the most commonly used aluminum ore.