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a stale green light

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Q: What is A traffic light that has been green for a while and is about to turn yellow is known as?
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Related questions

What follows a green traffic light?

Yellow light

What is the standard signal sequence of a regular traffic light?

Green-Yellow-Red-Green For color blind people the traffic light would be upright and from top it would be. Red Yellow Green.

What comes after green and then what in a traffic light?

Yellow, then red is the patterns of the traffic lights.

What position is the red light on a traffic light?

The red light on a traffic light is typically located at the top. The sequence of lights from top to bottom is red, yellow, green.

Where is the green light on a traffic light?

The green light on the traffic light is on the bottom. The yellow is in middle, the red is on top. However, in some municipalities, the traffic lights are not vertical, they are horizontal. In these instances, the green light is usually, but not always, the furthest to the right.

Which traffic light phase follows red?

The traffic light phase that follows red is typically green.

What is the sequence of light in the traffic light?

The sequence of light in a traffic light typically follows a pattern of green, yellow, and red. Green signifies go, yellow warns of an upcoming red light, and red signals to stop.

What colours are on a traffic light?

There is Red for stop Yellow for slow Green for Go

The order of colors on a traffic light from top to bottom is?

red, yellow,green

What do you do when you're approaching a green traffic light?

When the traffic light comes into view and it's green, it was likely green for a long time, unless you also observe cars just starting to get going. If you see the traffic light is green in the distance we call this green light "stale", meaning it could turn yellow any second. A traffic light that just turned green, we call this green light "fresh", meaning it just turned green and it won't be turning yellow for a little while. Of course these times between from when it turns green then back to yellow and red again varies on the intersection. To answer the question when you're approaching a green traffic light you should prepare to stop as that green light is "stale". You don't necessarily have to slow down just get ready to hit the brake.

What are the lights in a traffic light?

Red, yellow, and green. Green means go. Red means stop and yellow means slow down.

What are the phases of a traffic light?

Red - Stop Yellow - Prepare to Stop Green - Go