For the best list and procedures for a tuneup for your application, visit your public library and check out a manual specific to what it is you are tuning up (vehicle, lawnmower, etc.).
Needs a tune up
it needs a tune up
There are several things that needs to be done for a tune up on a 1996 Chevrolet Suburban. Some things that need to be done are an oil change, replacing spark plugs and plug wires, and a new distributor cap, rotor, PCV valve, air and fuel filters.
It needs a tune up.
if it had a recent tune up then do an oil change. if not clean your air filter. it needs a tune up..
Your car needs a tune up or need a new engine. The air condition puts load on your engine and if it stalls then it needs a tune up.
It means it probably needs a tune up.
Needs tune-up? fuel filter? Air filter? Plugged catalytic converter? Needs tune-up? fuel filter? Air filter? Plugged catalytic converter?
It needs a tune-up.
When performance and fuel mileage decrease.
The truck needs a tune up.