If working in ounces: 1 quart equals 32 ounces.
Dividing 32 by 10 gives 3.2 ounces, which equals one tenth of a quart.
If you want it in parts of a quart: (1 / 10) x (1 Imperial quart) = 0.1 Imperial quarts
40 cups 1 quart = 4 cups 1 cup = 0.25 quart
If working in ounces: 1 quart equals 32 ounces. Dividing 32 by 10 gives 3.2 ounces, which equals one tenth of a quart. If you want it in parts of a quart: (1 / 10) x (1 Imperial quart) = 0.1 Imperial quarts
no 1 liter = 1.05 quart 1 quart = 0.94 liter
1 liter = 1.05 quart 1 quart = 0.94 liter
1/2 of a quart
1 quart = 4 cups 1 cup = 0.25 quart
quart 1 quart = 2 pints 1 pint = 0.5 quart
1 cup = 1/4 quart 1 quart = 4 cups
1 quart = 4 cups 1 cup = 0.25 quart
1 quart = 4 cups 1 cup = 0.25 quart
1 quart = 4 cups 1 cup = 0.25 quart
A quart.