18 kt GE means that the jewelry is made up of 18 karat gold plate. The GE stands for gold electroplate.
"GE" stands for gold electroplate, meaning that it may not be a true gold ring. Have a licensed jeweler make that determination to be certain.
A: The GE usually stands for Gold Electroplate. The rest is the initials of the designer.Gold Electroplating is done by taking a silver ring, plating it with copper, and then plating the copper with 18kt gold. The gold (18kt) is so thin it essentially has no value. Jewelers will not generally size a GE ring, if it is sized you will see the plating flake off, and there will be three colours visible, the gold plating, the copper, then the silver. A GE ring is essentially costume jewellery.
The stamp "18kt GE RSC" on a ring likely means that the ring is made of a base metal that is covered with a thin layer of 18 karat gold through a process called electroplating. The "RSC" may refer to the manufacturer or designer. In short, the ring is not solid 18 karat gold, but rather a gold-plated piece.
Well, darling, an 18kt GE ring is worth about as much as someone is willing to pay for it. The "GE" stands for gold electroplate, so it's not solid gold. It might have some value for its design or sentimental worth, but don't go expecting to strike it rich with that piece.
It means 18kt gold electroplated.
It is worth nothing at all. HGE refers to heavy gold electroplated. Though 18KT refers to 18 karat gold or 75 percentage gold, 18KT HGE is worth nothing.
18kt - is the purity of the gold - 75% pure. GE - means gold electroplate. This means the 'core' of the ring is a lesser metal, which has been plated with the 75% pure gold.
18kt refers to a piece of jewelry that is made of 75% pure gold, with the remaining 25% composed of other metals like copper, silver, or zinc. The "kt" stands for karat, a unit of measurement used to indicate the purity of gold in a piece of jewelry. 18kt gold is a popular choice for fine jewelry due to its balance of durability and luxury.
That would depend on what metal the 18 karat gold is electroplated over.