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it means you're covered only for a straight crash where you hit someone. no fire or theft cover etc.

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Q: What is 'cheap liability only car'?
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Related questions

Is it cheaper to buy a cheap car to insure your child on?

Yes, buy a cheap car that you only need to have Liability Insurance on. It is Collision Insurance that will cost you allot. Of course you are taking a chance if the driver wrecks the car and it is the driver's fault. But by only having Liability you save plenty on insurance.

What car damages are covered under the cheap car insurance cover?

The only car damages covered under the cheap car insurance coverage is liability insurance. Damages are usually covered up to $5,000.00 for the cheapest automobile coverage available. Liability covers physical damage. Most cheap car insurances do not cover car damages.

Where can I find cheap liability car insurance?

The cheapest car insurance is offered by Progressive.

How much is cheap car insurance in New Mexico?

The cheapest car insurance in New Mexico is liability only car insurance. This insurance can cost as little as $60 a month.

Which companies offer cheap liability car insurance?

Companies that offer cheap liability car insurance are Nationwide and GEICO. There are lots of other good brands out there but these are among two of the most trustworthy and award winning car insurance companies in the market.

Is liability automobile insurance the best cheap coverage?

It covers you if you hit someone for their damage only. It wont cover any damage to you and your own car.

What is covered by cheap liability car insurance?

Liability insurance covers damages to the property or body of others, it does not provide any coverage for yourself of your property. Each state has a minimum coverage which depicts the cost of "cheap" liability auto coverage.

What company offers cheap liability car insurance?

Allstate has a good plan. Check it out here

Where can I find cheap liability car insurance in florida?

You can go to to search for car insurance in the Florida region for free.

What is the average Michigan car insurance rate for liability only policies?

The average Michigan car insurance rate for liability only policies is about $2000

If you rent a car for a week will it be covered by your current insurance if you only carry liability?

Liability only covers the "other' car/property. So no the rental car would not be covered.

Does liability cover you hitting your own car?

no it does not, liability covers only the second party.