I believe it is a Commerical Liability Policy or Business Owners and includes General Liability, Inland Marine & Property or at least that is what I have found in my research
APV is the prefix on Farm Bureau policies.
Policy numbers are not proprietary to any insurance company so you can't really tell which company a certain prefix is from. For example several companies use PA as a prefix because it represents "Personal Auto" or some use the state the polis in as the starting prefix. CCAP sound like a commercial policy, but you can't be sure of anything with policy numbers.
1 EUR=747,14819 CLP Euro (EUR) Chile Peso (CLP) 1 EUR = 747,14819 CLP 1 CLP = 0,00134 EUR1 USD=494,86607 CLP American Dollars (USD) Chile Peso (CLP) 1 USD = 494,86607 CLP 1 CLP = 0,00202 USD1 December 2009Which means that it has a middle to low value compared to these two coins (USD & EUR)
It is a composite insurance policy(:
The CLP 500 is a model of a Samsung printer. The Samsung CLP 500 is a colour laser printer, hence the CLP acronym comes. It is quite a new model and has good characteristics.
If you take it to your insurance company they should be able to locate the policy number be reading the letters. My son was involved in an accident with someone who did not speak English. The police gathered the man's information and my son assumed that the name of his insurance company would be on the police report. It was not and our insurance company (Liberty Mutual) said they could not determine the name of the other driver's insurance company by the policy #. Does anyone know what company issues auto insurance with the prefix APV in the policy number? i believe APV is travelers
The Policy Holder of a life insurance policy is the executor of the said policy.
call them and ask them to fax your insurance policy.
Depends on the state and your insurance policy. call your local agent.
Usually not. While some insurance companies use certain policy numbers to tell someone within the company what type of policy it is, you usually cannot tell what company it is based only on the policy number. For instance, a large number of insurance companies use "PA" as the starting of a policy number sequence for auto insurance. The reason for PA is that it tells company people this is a "Personal Auto" policy. But with many companies using the same prefix it would not tell you which company it is because the rest of the policy number is just a combination of numbers and letters to show different individual policies.
Policy numbers are not standardized in any way. This means that it is up to each insurance company what they choose to use for policy numbers. Many companies use PA at the beginning of auto policies for Personal Auto and HO on homeowners policies. Some use numbers only. You cannot tell what company issued a policy by the prefix or suffix of a policy number.