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Many companies have a policy number with an A in it. Policy numbers are not standardized or regulated by any government departments. Policy numbers are assigned by individual insurance companies themselves based on their own needs for their database programs. Companies often times use A (for Auto), PA (for Personal Auto), CA (for Commercial Auto), and on and on. Many times companies don't use letters at all and only use numbers.

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Q: What insurance company has a policy number starting with a?
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What insurance company has a policy number starting with PPA?

SCJ Insurance

What car insurance company uses a policy number starting with ABU?

The insurance company that has a policy which starts with "ABU" is Explorer Insurance (877)849-4678. Hope that helps!

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What insurance company uses policy numbers starting iwth MIL

What car insurance company uses a policy number starting with PA?

Discovery Insurance starts with PAN1234567.

What insurance company has a policy number starting with APV?

APV is the prefix on Farm Bureau policies.

How can you get your policy number?

Contact your insurance company or your agent. They can find your insurance policy number by your social.

How can you find a life insurance policy if you have insurance company name and policy number?

You can call the insurance company and provide your policy number, and they can provide any details on your policy, or send a duplicate policy if the original was lost.

Can you find an auto insurance company name from a policy number?

Usually not. While some insurance companies use certain policy numbers to tell someone within the company what type of policy it is, you usually cannot tell what company it is based only on the policy number. For instance, a large number of insurance companies use "PA" as the starting of a policy number sequence for auto insurance. The reason for PA is that it tells company people this is a "Personal Auto" policy. But with many companies using the same prefix it would not tell you which company it is because the rest of the policy number is just a combination of numbers and letters to show different individual policies.

What insurance company has a policy number starting with ACA?

Access General toll free # is (866) 747-6931

What is car insurance policy number?

A policy number is a number or combination of letter and number that designates that policy from all others within an insurance company.

Can i find someone's insurance company from their policy number?

A policy number will be specific to one insurance company. However, it will not be recognizable to just anyone looking at it.

What insurance company does this policy number belong to 1807847A1220?

That is a State Farm policy number.