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This is really too broad a question to answer. In California alone, approximately twenty workers' compensation carriers went out of business (or were declared insolvent) between 2001 and 2005. Some simply ceased to exist, others were purchased by other companies that bought the assets/liabilitys and the policies. There have been many mergers and old company names that have been absorbed. The best way to find out if a carrier is still in business is to check with your state's Department of Insurance, which should list all carriers admitted to write business in your state. Elise Dee Beraru, Lynchburg, Virginia

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Q: What insurance companies are no longer in business?
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You can purchase liability insurance for online business at most insurance companies. Some of the companies that offer this are State Farm, Geico, and Allstate.

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What companies are no longer in business?

Circuit city

How can you find companies that went out of business?

Google "companies that no longer exist"