In order to make the drink known as the Irish Car Bomb one needs a few ingredients. Whiskey, Irish Cream and a good stout beer is required. The whiskey is floated atop the Irish Cream in a shot glass. This is then dropped in a glass of beer. Consume as if it were a shot.
Most American bars that serve cocktails will carry the ingredients to make an Irish Car Bomb cocktail. It is not wise to order this cocktail in Ireland though.
Ingredients derived from it can be used to make a bomb, but it is not unstable in it's fertilizer form. For example, it was used to make the Oklahoma City bomb.
Ingredients: *3/4 pint Guinness® stout *1/2 shot Bailey's® Irish cream *1/2 shot Jameson® Irish whiskey Preparation: Add the Bailey's® and Jameson® to a shot glass whiskey on top Bailey's® on the bottom. Pour the Guinness into a pint glass or beer mug 1/2 to 3/4 of the way full and let it settle. Drop the shot glass into the Guinness and chug. If you don't drink it fast enough it will curdle.
The hardest drink for any given person to make is the one with the hardest to obtain ingredients. If something is hard to find it is hard to put it in a drink.
Ingredients: * Jägermeister 1 shot * Red Bull 1/2 can Preparation: Pour 1/2 can Red Bull into glass. Pour 1 shot glass Jägermeister. Drop shot of Jägermeister into glass of Red Bull. Quickly now, drink the whole thing. Repeat as necessary. (And yes, it will be.) Race when available.
Ingredients for making Irish Cream are mostly ingredients already found in ones home. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon almond extract, 1 teaspoon instant coffee granules and 3 to 4 small eggs are a few of the ingredients.
A bartender would make a "bomb" by pouring a glass of one drink and providing a shot glass of another, usually a spirit, to be dropped into the glass and drunk as one. A common bomb is the jagerbomb made by poring a glass of red bull and dropping a shot of jagermeister in.
A Guinness and Cider is a 'Poor Man's Black Velvet' (A 'Black Velvet' is Champagne and Guinness). A Snakebite is a Lager mixed with Cider. A 'Black and Tan' is an Ale mixed with Guinness.
Ingredients: 1/3 oz Bailey's Irish cream 1/3 oz Kahlua 1/3 oz Frangelico This drink is best when shaken and strained, but the proper way is to layer the drink. Kahlua is poured first, then Bailey's is next, and Frangelico is layered on top.
An Irish coffee is a coffee drink with some form of alcohol in it. The term comes from the stereotype of a drunk Irish man who must have alcohol in everything he drinks.
Make it with heavy cream or whipping cream. Or you can always use Baileys Irish cream
Irish Soda Bread was originally made because it required few ingredients. This meant it did not cost much to make, and the poor were able to eat.