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2 HP, 2800rpm, 36V motor

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Q: What if your Club Car serial number is 5bc48jb764 What size engine does it have?
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Your Club Car serial number is AG9411371779 What size engine does it have?

it's a kawasaki FE290. 290cc, 9hp.

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the ping serial number is found on the hozzel of the club. The serial number can be verified by contacting ping direct.

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Per the McHenry Sportmen's Club web site- serial number 1333902 was produced in 1953

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You could check with the Old Lawn Mower Club

How do you find out what size or voltage your club car golf cart is using the serial number?

I was wondering if you could tell me if my Club Car is a 36 volt or a 48 volt by the serial number #A9113240918. I can't seem to find it anywhere..The book I got with this used cart says its a 48..

Do serial numbers on the back of a old wooden wood mean you have a valuable club?

You will need to go to a collector, sell it on eBay or go to a sports memoribilia auction. You will find that if they do have a serial number they are less valuable because they will have been in large scale production. I would really need to see the club to tell you.

The serial number on the club car golf cart isA9232294822 what year is it?

You have a 1990 Since 1981 Club Car Golf Carts have positioned their serial numbers just under the glove box on the passengers side of the vehicle. The first two numbers (not letters) indicate the last two digits of the year of manufacture. On Club Car Golf Carts prior to 1981, you can find the serial number by raising the seat and locating the aluminum, I-beam frame section closest to the batteries on the driver's side of the car. If the serial number plate has been removed, you can confirm it is a 1975-1980 model if it has two brake pedals and one accelerator.

When was Engine - American Music Club album - created?

Engine - American Music Club album - was created in 1987.