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for one thing that sounds like a personal problem. sorry if it is.the adult might take responsability but depending on the adult u might get grounded.depending on the state you might get juvy time but dont count on it

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Q: What if you hit someones bumper and you have a permit?
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Who is at fault if an underage driver with permit and no adult present aggressively braked and the driver behind hit the bumper of the car?

No madder how old the driver if you hit the rear of his car its automaticaly your fualt

What if a car rolls backward into another car?

then you break the bumper, them someones gotta pay for damage!

Is it still hit and run accident if rear ending bumper to bumper to the unattended parked car at the gas station with only bumper marks and leaving the scene without notification?

It is in fact a hit and run. The bumper marks indicate that there was damage done, even if it was just superficial.

If you hit someone from behind but caused no damage to their back bumper and they hit the person in front of them and mess up their front bumper are you at fault?

Yes. Yes, because you caused the front bumper to mess up by running into the back one, therefore, you are responsible.

If you hit someones car and drove away what would you do?

You would be committing a hit-and-run, and be arrested.

How hard do you hit someones head for it to bleed?

2 newtons of force

How do i remove the front bumper on my x type jaguar?

hit it with a hammer

Why is NASCAR so dangerous?

people are topping speeds of 200 miles per hour going bumper to bumper on turns that could hit 45 degrees

What is the WWE championship made from?

It is gold of-course but it ain't hurts when they hit them to someones face.

Are you responsible if someone parked in front of you left a note on your car stating that you hit their back bumper?

Only if it can be proven that your vehicle hit their vehicle.

IF your son hit a curb and broke the tie rod said he was only going 20 in bumper to bumper trafficeis this possible?

no its not possible to break at a speed of matter how d conditions could be...

what is mean by concussion in health?

A concussion is a bump large or small on someones head when they fall, get hit by an object very hard or when they get into an altercations and someone hit them with their fist.