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So, you hit a parked car while backing up, it's late at night and nobody, not even the owner of the parked car, is around.

Yes, by all means, you may file the report the next day.

Or you're on an a busy road and you side-wiped the adjacent car. Since your time is constraint because of an appointment, and nobody is hurt, you decided to just go on your way, and just file the report the next day.

Then, most certainly, the traffic patrol whose attention was caught by the vehicular incident may be hot on pursuit right behind you. Or the driver of the car you just hit, may report it immediately to the nearest police station with your car make, plate number and description of the driver of the hit-and-run vehicle (yours), and the police may have your warrant even before you have concluded your important meeting.

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Q: What if you hit a car leave and the next day go and do a police report?
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How long do you have to file a police report for a car accident?

you can not leave the scene of a accident

You hit a parked car and left no police report?

If you didn't even leave your contact information on the car you hit, you could be charged with a criminal offense such as Hit and Run.

What to do when you got car accident?

Call the police and get a police report. Call your insurance company and report it to them asap.

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Report it to your local police !

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You have 10 days to file a police report

In the state of CT how long after a car accident do you have to report it to the police?

In all states an accident in which damage occurred (and even those in which there is no noticeable damage) are supposed to be reported to the police immediately and at the scene of the accident. If there is no police report it becomes next to impossible to collect compensation from the insurance company.

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What is file false police report?

Example: i call the police and report my car stolen when it is sitting in my garage.. that's a false police report and id go to jail if they found out i was lying.

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Can you get arrested for refusal to file a police report for something stolen?

No. But if you get your money stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your money back. If you get your car stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your car back. If you get your jewelry or furniture stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your jewelry or furniture back. If you get your car stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your car back. If you get your bike stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your bike back. The point is if you get something stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your stuff back. But they're not allowed to put you in jail for refusal to report a stolen car, bike, jewelry, money etc. You won't go to jail for refusal to report a stolen object, but whatever you got stolen, you won't get it back.

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you will most likely get charged with filing a false police report. If you reported it to your insurance you can add insurance fraud, which is a felony

What do you do if your car gets totaled in a car accident?

The very first thing you do is report it to the police. Whether the car is "totaled" or not (a decision typically made by insurance adjusters), a police report is required for any automobile accident.