Be certain that is what happened. If you did nothing to initiate the assault, file a complaint. If you did something to initiate the repossession agent's defense of himself, turn yourself in.
The Production Budget for Repo Man was $1,500,000.
Repo Man was released on 03/02/1984.
repo is taking somthing away like the repo man in the new movie repo! the genetic opera theres an organ repo man who takes away peoples organs
Repo Man was released on 03/02/1984.
The Production Budget for Repo Man was $1,500,000.
A repo man cannot physically touch you. If you hit the repo man, he can defend himself. Strength, good physical fitness, and an ability to communicate well are assets to the role of a repo man.
yes you can repo tools like tractors.
what do i have to do to become a repo man in Michigan
Repo Man grossed $2,300,000 worldwide.
repo man looking back at him
Yes. If he has a repo order, it is no longer YOUR truck.