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No the dealership can not be sued if they did not offer GAP insurance. The dealership is not required to offer GAP insurance.

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Q: What if GAP insurance was not offered Can I sue the dealership?
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You had no insurance and an uninsured driver hit you so now what should you do Will gap insurance cover?

I'm sorry to say that you are going to pay out of pocket for the damage to your car or try to sue the uninsured driver that hit you for the money. Gap insurance only covers the difference between what you owe on the car and what your insurance paid you when your car was totalled. Since you don't have any insurance your gap coverage is useless. Furthermore if the car wasn't totalled in the accident then gap insurance wouldn't come into play regardless.

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yes. you can sue an at fault driver if his insurance company refuses to pay your claim. it would not be proper to sue the insurance company.

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You can't sue the Insurance co, but you can sue their insured, the defendant. Since the insured has a valid policy, the Insurance co is obligated to represent him.

What if a person hit your car and totaled it but they don't have enough insurance covage what should you do?

You uninsured motorist coverage, if you have it should handle the gap. Otherwise, you can sue the driver that hit you for the difference.

Can you sue the car dealership if the deal was denied from the bank?

No! its not the dealerships fault.!>!!>!:)>)>)

Can you sue someone for hitting your car and you were not in it?

insurance is the coverage that is offered to you by the insurance company or organization in return for premiums paid. For auto insurance, auto insurance companies cover your vehicle or group of vehicles against breakdowns and accidents. The insurance policy offered to you depends on many factors

Can I sue my neighbor for fraud against my insurance company?

No, since the insurance company would have been damaged by the act, not you. You have no standing to sue. On the other hand, your insurance company can sue- and can pursue criminal charges.

What can you do if someone without any insurance hits your car?

if they are dumb enough to tell you their real name sue sue sue sue sue sue

Can you sue a person's homeowner's insurance if your son caught himself on fire under their supervision?

You would usually sue the person, not the insurance.

Can I sue a contractor that let me do a job without insurance?

If you were the person doing the job, it is more likely that he could sue you for not informing him you had no insurance.