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Q: What has been invented in the past 500 years?
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AnswerThe binomial theorem has been known for thousands of years. It may have first been discovered in India around 500 BC.

What was England like in the past 500 years?

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There have been around 50 active volcanoes in the western US in the past 2000 years. These include both major and minor volcanic events, with some volcanoes experiencing more frequent eruptions than others.

Were there violins 700 years ago?

No, violins were invented in their modern form by Andreas Amati in the 1500's in Italy. They have only been around for about 500 years as far as humans know.

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The average rate of return of the SP 500 index over the past 10 years is approximately 13 per year.

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how many lives have been lost to volcanoes in the last 500 years

Where you live most of the changes to landscape in the past 500 years were probably brought about by?

In the past 500 years, the most significant changes to the landscape have been primarily brought about by human activities such as urbanization, deforestation, agriculture, and industrialization. These activities have resulted in the loss of natural habitats, increased pollution, and altered ecosystems, leading to environmental degradation.

Most of the changes to the landscape in the past 500 years were probably brought about by?

human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, agriculture, and industrialization. These activities have significantly altered natural habitats and ecosystems over the past 500 years.

What happened to the world's population 500 years ago?

Populations from 500 years ago have all passed away. People and animals do not normally live past 100 years old.

Did Karl Benz invent the toilet?

Not likely. Karl Benz was around about 100 years ago. Toilets were invented several thousand years ago; even flush toilets have been around for more than 500 years.