The scooter, of which there are ancient examples, has two wheels and one stands on it. A modern example is the motorized Segway, with numerous models. A principle advantage is being able to use the vehicle in pedestrian traffic.
2 wheels of a bicycle Or...2 wings of a bird == ==
There are four wheels to Bowflex-SelectTech-Dumbbell-Stand and two wheels can be independently locked with help of latch to prevent the stand from rolling
bi means 2 as in bicycle (2 wheels), bifocal (2 eyes), bilingual (2 languages).
2 W on a B P stands for "2 wheels on a bicycle pump," which is a common riddle or puzzle.
i dont no!
Two, as in TWO WHEELS.
They have some wheels under that thing you stand in and um you have 2 horses who pull the chariot and that's how chariots move.
No material could stand up to the stresses and workload necessary for train wheels in the same price range as steel. Rubber doesnt stand a chance.
Always on the center stand.
2 wheels
2 wheels
Duel Rear Wheels