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You will have to make the payments to the company that purchases their assets, it doesn't mean you get a free car.

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Q: What happens when you sublease a car and the company that you leased from goes into liquidation?
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What happens if a leased vehicle is in an accident?

If a leased vehicle is in an accident, the lessor has to notify the lease company, along with their insurance company. Sometime the lease company will have you go through your insurance for repairs, other times they send you to their repair shop (if they have one).

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the company leasing them gets them back they own them same as renting things.

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All you do is call a dealer that sell that make. If not leased by the manufactuer call the leasing company for instructions

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What happens if a life estate is abandoned depends on state laws.

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DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) A telephone line that carries digital data fromend to end, and can be leased from the telephone company

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Can a mechanic's lien be placed on a leased tractor trailer by company that owner operator is to drive for because they got him plates and he wants to go to another company that has loads?

It is possible that the mechanic's lien cannot be placed on the tractor trailer because it is leased. However, this may vary depending on the laws of the state in which the mechanic is working, or where the company is based.

Who created the modem?

Bell Labs. You leased them from AT&T, just like you leased your phones. Nobody else could legally even make them because it was illegal to connect non-phone company equipment to phone company lines. The first modems were used to connect SAGE air defense computers together via leased long distance telephone lines making the first computer network.

Who create modem?

Bell Labs. You leased them from AT&T, just like you leased your phones. Nobody else could legally even make them because it was illegal to connect non-phone company equipment to phone company lines. The first modems were used to connect SAGE air defense computers together via leased long distance telephone lines making the first computer network.

Who owns the electricity pole on your property?

It could be owned by the telephone company and leased to the power company. In some states, they are public property. You would have to ask for your location.

What is the homophone for least?

The homophone for "least" is "leased."