The snake probably dies soon.
Usually the snake will be crushed in some way and die. A snake can not hurt a car and a motorcycle tire, they are too hard and thick.
No. If you run over a snake you will kill it. Snakes have been known to go into the engines of parked cars, however, as they are attracted to the warmth.
No, that would probably rip its head off, assuming it could even get a grip, which it couldn't.
it gets squished. Kinda like when once I was going inside. There was a beetle, also making its way inside. My foot, is big. the bettle, is small. So, when they made contact it got squished. Kinda like guts going through mouth and intestines leaving a small trail down the side walk.
you could die or smash your head opend and you will have damage for the rest of ur life
She never did get run over
it most likely will run away or run you over
It will always run cold so it will run inefficiently.
When your car does not run properly you need to assess why. You should take your car to a mechanic if you're having problems with it. It will run poorly, waste gasoline and pollute the air.
In the proper QUEEN's English, it's 'he was RUN over by a car.'
It gets squished