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when your vehicle is in park the rpms will rev and and down fluctuating. howver, when car is in gear it will seem to be fine. but, as problem gets worse it will shift to higher gears. for ex. when mine went out my car maintained 45 mph without doing a thing. also, when you go to slow down it will jerk because it is having trouble switching to lower gears due to air intake.

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Q: What happens when idle air control valve on a car goes bad?
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What happens when iac valve goes bad?

one thing that happens is that it doesn't idle properly and stall out a lot

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check your idle air control valve and/or your TPS

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The idle air control valve on the Chevy Colorado actually controls the speed of your engine's idle. The valve is sometimes called the idle speed control valve.

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The idle control valve for your 1995 Nissan Maxima can be found on top of the engine. The idle control valve will be attached to the back of the injector fuel pump.

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The idle control valve works by regulating the idle speed of the engine. The idle speed of the engine is usually controlled by the engine of the computer.

Why does The car idle goes up an down?

Could be a number of things. Does it jump when you are driving it and parked? It could be an idle air control valve or even a throttle position sensor, it could be misfiring also. My t/a did the same and it turned out to be the idle air control valve.

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The idle air control valve on a Volvo S80 is located on the intake manifold. The valve controls the rate at which the engine holds an idle.

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More than likely it's your Idle Control Valve.

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The Idle Air Control (IAC) valve is mounted on the throttle body

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The idle air control valve will be located by the throttle body.