You will have a certain amount of time to bring the loan current and get your car back. Otherwise it will be auctioned off, if you are lucky enough and the car auctions for at least what you owe on it, you will only have to deal the with scar of a reposession on your credit. If it sells for less that what you still owe on the loan, you are responsible for paying that back.
it's still repoed it just takes a little longer
No As far as finance company is concerned the car came with wheels, it has wheels on it when repoed. Done deal.
Then tell the Repossession agents where it is and who has it.
1)he will take the car you left if that is the car to be repoed. 2)If you are traveling in the car to be repoed he will wait for you to return and repo it after you get back.
3 months
If you aren't paying for that car's payments then yes. The only reason why your car should be repoed it because the payments aren't being made on it. It doesnt matter if your car is from the 1940's or if you brought the car last month, the car can be repoed if you dont pay the payment for 2 or more months (consult dealership for it's repo rules).
Contact your Bankruptsy Attorney. Tell him/her what has happened. They will be able to best advise you what avenue to pursue.
NO, not for just being repoed.