Any engine needs back pressure to run efficiently. That is what the mufflers do, they create back pressure. So, by removing the muffler(s), you have stopped the back pressure, which in turn causes the engine not to run efficiently.
If the blockage is large enough it will stall the engine.
It does not hurt an engine to run it with no exhaust muffler
The efficiency of a car engine will not increase by removing the muffler. In fact, it may decrease due to changes in back pressure and exhaust flow. Driving on a very cold day may actually decrease efficiency as the engine will take longer to reach optimal operating temperature, leading to increased fuel consumption.
A muffler is a part of a car that silences the noise of a vehicle's engine.
A muffler is a part of a car that silences the noise of a vehicle's engine.
You break the law, pollute the environment, and perhaps increase your engine efficiency a bit. Nothing good as it's illegal to remove the converter. Besides the engine will not run correctly with the converter removed. You will gain nothing.
Certainly a modified muffler on a 2 stroke-cycle engine will affect gas consumption and power. The reason is that these engines do not have an exhaust valve to keep in the gasoline vapor until it has been fired like a 4 stroke-cycle engine has. The "2 stroke" engine relies on pressure in the tuned muffler to keep the gasoline vapor from shooting right out of the cylinder before the spark plug ignites it. With a "4 stroke" engine, there is an exhaust valve to keep the gasoline vapor in until it is ignited, and the engine isn't much bothered about muffler tuning, size, or even not having a muffler, at all.
basically, a muffler is used to reduce the sound that the engine produces:)
Answer It could be that you need a new muffler. After so long the baffling inside the muffler can burn out. Also make sure that the muffler is not cracked or that exhaust is not leaking before it gets into the muffler. At the gasket between the muffler and the engine. Hope ths helps.
I'm having the same issue. I'm trying to replace my front axle and I need to remove the muffler to get to the axle bolt. Please help. I recently replaced the front axle on my STX38 so I took off the muffler as well. The muffler's heat shield needs to come off first, I think there's just two bolts holding that in place on the front of it. If I remember correctly, there were 4 bolts total securing the muffler. There are two bolts towards the front of the muffler that connect vertically to the body of the mower, these need to be removed. If you look at the very top of the muffler where it connects to the engine you'll see another two bolts that need to be removed. I had a tough time getting these two completely out since mine were a bit rusted but they did eventually come off. Once all these bolts are removed, I had to wiggle the muffler out of the bottom of the mower. For the people doing front axle replacement - once the muffler is removed you should have access to the bolt securing the axle.
Your bad muffler might be part of the reason your check engine light comes on. Usually, your bad muffler causes something else to go wrong and that causes your check engine light to come on. Problems cascade.
Your engine will get the best mileage at full operating temperature. If the thermostat is removed or too low a temperature unit the engine will use more fuel.