You splice a new one in. Replacement fusible links are available from your local auto parts store. They come in different sizes.
What ever circuit that fusible link protected would be dead if the fusible link is blown.
bad ground, fusible link, short
If you can stretch the fusible link like a rubber band, it is blown.
The fusible link on a Corvair is located next to the starter solenoid. When a fusible link starts to go bad, you will notice intermittent failure of windows, wipers, radio, and central locking.
Get a 12 volt test probe. Ground the clip end to anything steel (grounded) or the negative battery post. Push the probe carefully into the wire on both sides of the fusible link. If the test light only lights on one side of the link, the fusible link is blown or bad.
check the main fusible link
My suggestion is to make sure that you have a good connection between your starter and your battery. Is the starter even functioning? If not, it is probably a bad starter, a bad battery, a bad fusible link for the starter, a blown fuse, or just a bad connection. My suggestion is to make sure that you have a good connection between your starter and your battery. Is the starter even functioning? If not, it is probably a bad starter, a bad battery, a bad fusible link for the starter, a blown fuse, or just a bad connection.
Connected to the solenoid. It is the single chord connected to the bottom terminal of the solenoid and is connected to the chord coming from the alternator. A blown fusible link will cause typical bad alternator symptoms and not allow the battery to be charged by the alternator.
Check to see if the inertia switch is popped up.Or a bad fusible link in the original hot wire to the pump question? where are the inertia switch and the fusible link located?
It probably isn't a relay- what you will most probably have is bad battery connections, a bad ground, or bad connections/w fusible link down on the starter.
I had that same issue with my 85 fifth ave. Just fix your electrical problem. If the car is a 1982-89 it's easy. It's a blown fusible link right near the positive battery terminal. (This most likely applies to the 90s models, but I'm not as familiar with those.)There are three leeds at the positive terminal; one to the starter, one to the headlights/interior lights (85s have a white connector on it), and the last one powers everything else (85s have a black connector followed by a single fusible link then a fusible link bunch). When the first fusible link on that last leed goes bad you will still have interior lights, the door chime, and all front running lights and headlights, but nothing else. Disconnect both terminals on the battery, negative first. Cut out the fusible link, about two inchs after the black connector and one inch after the inline connector. (Note that the black connector separates, but the inline connector is solid. These inline connectors follow all fusible links.) Replace that gap with fusible link wire in the same gauge as the fusible link (the color of the wire tells you the gauge, orange=20ga. on the 85). Soder the connections if you can, then cover them with electrical tape. Once the fuse is replaced, the ignition system will be functional again. For a chart of fusible link color codes it is best to refer to a manual such as Haynes.
Fusible link bad or one of the 2-3 main fuses blown