You will get actual cash value for the car and will sign the title and car over to the insurance company, unless you wish to buy it back for a reduced payout.
Full coverage auto insurance covers everything. If the car is totaled they will will replace it. Liability auto insurance will only cover medical bills, and not the car if it is totaled.
Full coverage insurance will help you get your car fixed after it has been wrecked. You can also get a new car if it has been completely totaled.
It would depend on why the car was totaled and who's fault the accident was and what time of insurance do you have PLPD or Full Coverage
My insurance provider, Hanover, told me that they would only write liability coverage, and not full coverage on my truck that was flooded and totaled in New Orleans.
There's a good chance the insurance company will deny the claim of the person with the uninsured vehicle, as that vehicle isn't supposed to be on the roadway to begin with.
Get a new car. == If someone hit your car you will be paid the actual cash value of the car. If you totaled the car and had collision coverage you will be paid actual cash value, too.
YOU pay off the loan like you agreed to in the contract. You likely agreed to have ins. that covered theft also. You should have had full coverage on a car with a loan on it. Sorry, you have to pay the loan off and now you own a totaled car! Comprehensive coverage isn't that expensive and would have covered theft.
if u sold the car yes,if you totaled it the insurance should pay it off providing you had full coverage and not at fault
Full coverage is more Expensive that PLPD because with full coverage anything that happens to your car they will pay for yours and the other persons car but with PLPD they only pay for the other persons car.
If you've got full coverage insurance, make a claim. They should take over payments. You'll be car-less, but won't owe anymore.
Hi, It depends on what type of insurance you had. Liability, full coverage...etc...Call your insurance company and find out.