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we will die.

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Q: What happens if you wait two days to see a doctor after car accident?
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What happens when you are bothered by something that hasn't bothered you before?

If you can wait about 2 days and if nothing gets better make an appointment to go see a doctor

You are 4 days before your period what can you do to find out if im pregnant?

Go to the doctor.

If your child has a fever and is on anti biotics how long should you wait to take her to the doctor?

3 days

Is it safe to conceive while a husband is taking antibiotics?

Consult your Doctor.

Angiogram how long do you need to wait to drive or travel after the angiogram?

My doctor told me 3 days.

Can you wait ten days after being bit from a cat that might have rabies before getting the shots?

Check with your doctor.

How many days should you wait before you go to the doctor with a low grade temperature?

If you've had a persistant low-grade temperature with no explanation for more than three days, I'd recommend going to the doctor.

What happens if you wait to long to get a snake bite checked?

you will probably die if venomous but if not you should still consult a doctor if snake bit you

What happens on the february 15th episode of ghost hunters?

here an answer, wait few more days and WATCH THE SHOW! lmao

You are 8 days from your next period but you have every pregnancy symptom should you wait or go see your doctor?

I would wait. I know it is hard to wait. :)They could do a blood test but it might not even show up yet. Your body has to build up the pregnancy hormone to be able to tell you are pregnant. This usually takes till you are at least a few days late. Sometimes longer.I would wait till I was at least a day late and take a home test. If it is positive call your doctor/midwife. If negitvie and you don't get your period take another one in a few days.

I took a five days course of Primolut-nor when do i have my period after that?

you have to wait upto 14 days after the completion of you primolut course then you have to consult your doctor for ultrasound or any other check up thankyou.

If you are four days late and you show all signs of pregnancy but the test came up negative should you just wait to retest in a couple of days or should you go to the doctor and get tested?

Yes you will need to go to the doctor and get happened to me and i was very much pregnant