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The most that will happen if you put mixed gas in a regular fuel engine is (depends on how much mix is but ) it will smoke out the exhaust and fowl the spark plug or may not run at all.

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Q: What happens if you put mix gas in a regular fuel engine?
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When you mix regular unleaded fuel and unleaded plus fuel in a gas tank it results in a mixture of fuel with an octane rating higher that regular unleaded fuel but lower than the octane rating of unleaded plus fuel.

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The 3800 engines with the superchargers require premium gas. Higher octane fuel prevents engine from self ignition of oxygen and gas causing engine misfire.

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Yes, this engine requires Premium fuel. Using Regular fuel will cause pinging and engine damage.

Why is diesel gas better than regular gas?

Diesel gas gives more mileage (miles per gallon) than regular gasoline. You must, of course, have a vehicle that has a diesel engine because diesel fuel cannot be used in an engine that runs on regular gas! Depending on local government taxation policies, in some countries diesel is cheaper to buy than regular gas whilst in other countries it is more expensive! Diesel fuel is thicker and "stickier" than regular gas so, if a vehicle's fuel system ever needs cleaning - fuel tank, fuel lines, fuel pumps and fuel injectors - it is a more difficult and expensive job to do on a diesel vehicle.

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Empty your tank out, drain the fuel lines, as the gasoline will damage your diesel engine.

What happens to a 2 cycle eng that has been run on regular gas?

the engine will lock up


You will get poor fuel economy and reduced power.

You put regular gas in your john deere diesel engine what do you do?

If you did not start the engine no harm has been done. Drain the fuel tank, and all the fuel lines. Get as much of the gas out as possible. Fill it up with diesel and you should be ok.

What do you do if regular gas was put in your truck and it has a diesel engine?

Drain the tank, change the fuel filter, refill with diesel.

What happens if you use regular gas instead of an oil mix gas in a weed eater or blower?

You will lose all lubrication to the engine, and if you run the engine long enough you will have catostrophic engine failure.

What happens when a fuel filter is bad?

no/poor gas flow to the engine. Results in stalling/stammerring motor.

What do you do if you put the wrong fuel in your car and what happens to the car high grade fuel in a mid grade fuel car?

== == Automobiles with gas or petrol engines require either regular grade gasoline or super grade. The vehicle's manual will tell you which grade of gas is required. If you fill a vehicle requiring regular fuel with the more expensive super, you are wasting money, as there is no appreciable gain in mileage, engine longevity, etc. However if you put regular fuel into a vehicle requiring super (due to high compression ratio of many sports cars, high-end sedans, etc.) you can cause the engine to knock and cause carbon deposits to build up in the engine. Mid grade can sometimes be used in a mix with super to lower fuel costs, but this is not recommended by automobile manufacturers. If you want to know about using the wrong kind of fuel - in the case of a gas or petrol engine putting diesel in its fuel tank, or putting gas or petrol in a vehicle that has a diesel engine - see the answer to the Related Questionshown below.