If it is an even number mixed then it becomes a freezing mixture. If an odd number then it will be anti freeze mixture!
I see no reason why this is making a noise :)
You have a mess.
It will destroy the engine from lack of lubrication and overheating.
You can't "mix colors to get antifreeze."
No. The OATs and glycol ratings are different - not recommended
in some cases the antifreeze will change consistency, it would turn into a "muddy" like substance. As long as the antifreeze you are using is ethylene glycol based, as most are,(Prestone, Peak, Zerex, private label brands) EXCEPT the Sierra brand, they are totally compatible. If your cooling system has any darkness to it that indicates it is time for a cooling system flush.
They float at different densities. If the density of the water/antifreeze mix is too weak, the number of balls floating will indicate that, if the mix is correct, they'll indicate that.
The difference between the two colors is that orange antifreeze contains a different type of corrosion inhibitor that has a much longer service life than silicates, phosphates and borates. Orange antifreeze contains organic acids that protect engine parts from corrosion. Silicate (green) type antifreeze does not mix with orange type antifreeze. Never mix the two colors in a cooling system. The organic acids in orange types will cause precipitation of silicates in the green type and corrosion protection is greatly reduced.
you can mix water with anything
No you can't. Dex Cool antifreeze which is Orange. And regular antifreeze will not mix.
In a vehicle engine cooling system : ( DISTILLED WATER is PREFERRED ) Usually mixed 50 / 50 with antifreeze , Ford states not to exceed 60 % antifreeze in the mix