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If you lose a pink slip race, nothing happens, except for the fact that you lost the race and don't get the opponents car, so yes, as your probably wondering, you do get to keep your car, at least against Rusy, I'm not sure about others, like at the Rio de Janeiro against others, though i doubt that you would, since it requires you have Dom's Charger, I hope this helps (:

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Q: What happens if you lose in pink slip races in car town?
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What happen when lose a pink slip races in car town?

you lose your car

What happens when an employee gets fired in a pink slip printing factory?

you no longer have a job :)

Where are the pink slips in midnight club street racing?

No, pink slip races are unavailable while playing online.

What happens after I pay my car off?

The bank sends you the "pink slip" and the car is all yours

How many pink slip races are there in midnight club Los Angeles?

There is about 2 pickslip challenges for tuners, the Rx8 and Mitsubishi Evo (older model)

What does it mean to have a pink slip?

to get fired from your job Regarding vehicles, a pink slip is the title to you vehicle.

What if you lost your pink slip?

you have to buy a new car. but if you are quick enough and you lose a race. BEFORE IT SAVES turn off your system

If ou have lost the pink slip to your car can you get a temp pink slip the same day?

This depends on what state that you are in. Most states allow you to get a temporary pink slip that same day. If you are doing this to sell the vehicle they have forms where you do not need the pink slip and can still sell it legally and the new owner will get the title.

What does the term 'pink slip' refer to?

The term pink slip refers to the act of firing an employee or letting the employee go. When one gets a "pink slip" one can collect unemployment benefits until he can get another job.

When was Chuck Versus the Pink Slip created?

Chuck Versus the Pink Slip was created on 2010-01-10.

How do you fill out a pink slip?

When filling out a pink slip, you need to put down the employee's name, date the event happened and the offense. You also need to make sure the employee signs the pink slip.

What does a pink title mean for a car?

A pink slip for a car is the title. This shows who owns a vehicle. Without a pink slip, you will be unable to register a vehicle.