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Q: What happens if you let someone drive your car when they have a revoked license and they get caught?
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Related questions

How long can your license be revoked?

Depending on the severity of the offense, a license could be revoked anywhere from a few weeks to permanently. Driving with a revoked license can cause the suspension to be extended if you are caught.

What happens if you get caught in Maryland driving friends around with just provisionals?

You will be charged with "driving without a license" and hopefully have your permit revoked and be unable to get your license for a period of time determined by the court.

Will you get your permit supended or revoked if i was driving without a license?

If you get caught by the police yes.

Is NJ dwi a suspended or revoked license?

Your license is revoked for the period of time according to the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd offense. If you are caught driving on the revoked after you have your license revoked for the period of time the judge ordered. After that your license is then suspended when you are serving the time over and above the revokation for driving on the revoked, and then your license is then considered suspended at that time. Usually you will receive an extra year for each driving on the revoked you are charged with. Hope this helps!

How long is your driving license stamped for after been caught drunk driving in Republic of Ireland?

You will have your license revoked for 1 year.

How do you know when your license are revoked?

Most commonly, license revocations occur to people who have been caught driving while intoxicated.

3rd time caught driving without license in wi what happens?

It depends upon why you license is revoked and the county. Lets say a bad case scenario is that you are revoked for multiple DUI's and the offense occurs in Waukesha County. You can expect to be convicted of a misdemeanor, fined over $1000 and spend probably a month or so in huber.

How can your licenses get revoked?

Most commonly, license revocations occur to people who have been caught driving while intoxicated.

What happens if someone with suspended license is caught driving someone elses car in California?

It's usually the same punishment as if they were driving their own car.

If you have an Illinois license about to be revoked can you get a license in Tennessee before you get revoked?

yes but you have to prove residense for that state and the liscens you get will be good in Tennessee if you get caught driving in the state that you were suppended in even if you have a liscens for another state you will get a ticket for driving suspended because your driving privilages are suspended for that state

What happens if you get caught without a license?

you get discriminated with the chance of life.

What happens if your license is suspended in PA but get caught driving in Florida?

It means that you were caught driving without a valid license. Your valid US-issued license is good in every US state, but when it is suspended it is suspended everywhere.