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In most cases, you have 72 hours to produce this card at the police station where the officer works out of.,however since recent changes to enforcement policies which I think is not only wrong its just not right., police can give you a fine right there on the spot for not having it. at his discretion. So; now we have gone from a system that was fare to a system that resembles Fascism Slowly the Ontario GOVT is slowly eroding our freedom of choice.And when you pay your excessive over priced car Ins, do not forget to thank the Ont govt for it. Why else do you think they call it the Ont Ins Bureau. This is the permanent way.

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Q: What happens if you have insurance but no proof of insurance card in car?
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Does your proof of insurance that you carry in your car have to be the original or can it be a copy of the original?

Your insurance company will give you a insurance card with all of the information needed for proof of insurance. Show that to whoever is interested.

Is a yellow insurance card mandatory in Canada?

I am unsure what a Yellow insurance card is. As a Canadian motorist I must have my vehicle insured and have proof of insurance in the car. The paper is pink.

I have car insurance but police say i dont have car insurance?

You should have been given a proof of insurance card from your insurance company. Call them for it and if necessary present it to the judge, that should clear the matter up.

How do you know which car company you are insurance with?

Seriously, you do not know who you pay your insurance premium to. How about you just look at your proof of insurance card, that you are required to keep in your vehicle at all times, and see what companies name is on that card. Or look at your bank statement and see who you payed for car insurance.

How can you find out if a person in accident has insurance if the police says there was no proof?

No proof just means that they didn't have a proof of insurance card. That's the cut out card your insurance sends you and says "keep in your car." The requirements for each state varies, Oregon doesn't require drivers to show proof of insurance, they just have to show registration and license. If you have the ID of the driver, contact your insurance and give them all the details you can. If the driver told you an insurance they have, your insurance can contact that company and find out. Personally if someone in an accident doesn't have proof of insurance, and that also means no expired cards, I'd be towing that car and sticking them with a hefty citation.

Where do you print proof of insurance for my car farmers ins?

You need to contact your insurance agent and they can print the proof of insurance that you need. If your agent is close by you can run by and pick up the insurance card. We make cards in the office every day for people.

What are the things needed for instant insurance?

For instant car insurance from an online company, you will need the Vehicle Identification Number from your car, your drivers license number, a proof of insurance and a credit card, or checking account.

Do you have to have proof of insurance to get tags on a car?

To get tags the car must be registered.To register a car most states require proof of insurance.

What is an sr22 and how is it used?

An sr22 is a proof of insurance, particularly car insurance. It is important to have an sr22, otherwise, you can get a ticket driving because you have no proof of car insurance.

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Minimum age: 18, with a major credit card, and proof of present (and current) automobile insurance.

Do you half to have insurance card in your car in the state of ga?

Yes you have to have proof of insurance.Another answer: It is required by law if you are a resident of Georgia. A non resident can have it on his person.

Will you be arrested in North Dakota for not showing proof of insurance after receiving a citation?

It depends, if you have an expired card and are obeying the officer, more likely than not just a ticket, if happens again, possible your car will be towed. It could also be towed if you dont have an old card. but its all up to the officer.