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Police get a good laugh as they write you that tickets that could cost you $500 and jail time.

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Q: What happens if you have a fake inspection va sticker?
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Will your car pass Va inspection with the check engine light on?

Yes. Va will pass your car with a check engine light. The inspection station will try to get you to figure out what is wrong with you car but they will not fail it. However, If your SRS light is on, the car will fail the inspection.

Virginia state inspection pass with engine service light on?

The check engine lamp has absolutely NOTHING to do with the VA safety inspection

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Virginia state inspection pass with abs light on?

yes it will pass im a va state inspector and in the book ( va isnp man.) it says it can pass

On va voire bien means what in English?

on va bien voir - we'll see (what happens)

Will you fail a VA state inspection if your driver automatic window doesn't work in my car the driver side window motor is not working so the window glass doesnt go down?

Oh yes!! I just got busted at the inspection station. VA. law states that the drivers side window is the only window that must work on it's own power to pass inspection.

Where is the closest city in Virginia you can get your car inspectected from ny?

If you're keeping it registered in NY, a VA inspection won't be accepted.

Will you fail a VA state inspection if your passenger window doesn't work?

No as long as all the handles are there, they dont test for functionality

What is the legal minimum tire thread thickness in VA?

In Virginia you must have 2/32 tread depth on all 4 tires to pass inspection.

If you have a car that is over 15 years old does it has to pass inspection like the newest cars?

Depends on the State. For my state (Va) safety inspection required on all vehicles that are 20 years old and newer (over 20 yrs safety inspection not required, but has to have 'classic' vehicle tags). Emissions inspection on all cars 15 yrs and newer - over 15 yrs old is exempt

What happens if you live in sc and get a ticket in Virginia?

You have to resolve the ticket in Virginia and then VA will report it to SC and it will be treated as if you received it in SC.