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If, during the precedings, you are picked up your licence then a separate matter will start up.

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Q: What happens if you are in an accident and the other party is at fault but you are driving on an expired license?
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What happens if you get involved in an accident with expired license but its not your fault?

i had a suspend license and i involve with accident and idid not stop

What happens when my insured car is in an accident which isn't my fault but I find out at the scene the driver the person driving my car has either an expired or suspected license?

You go and hire an attorney and ask him for legal advice.

What happens if your drivers license expires in California?

If your license has expired you have the same options to renew as those who hold a valid driver's license: * Online * In person * By mail The DMV won't charge you additional late fees, but you will be cited by the police if you're caught driving with an expired license. To determine whether your license is expired, check your driving record or the date on your driver's license.

Can police impound your car if you have expired license?

If they catch you driving on that expired license, yes.

If someone rear ends you and your license is expired but the car your driving is insured what will happen?

you will get a ticket and probably get your license suspended for longer and insurance will probably not cover the accident b/c you were driving with a suspended license but of course this is just one scenario

What happens when you get caught driving with expired driver license in Louisiana?

Anywhere in the US, if you get caught driving with a suspended or expired driver's license, you will either receive a citation, have your car towed, or go to jail. It is based entirely on the officer's decision. Happy to help!

Is driving with an expired license an infraction?

No, it is a felony.

What happens if your g2 license expires?

If your G2 license expires, you are no longer legally allowed to drive. You will need to renew your license before driving again. Driving with an expired license can result in fines or other penalties if you are caught by law enforcement.

You have a good track record with regards to your drivers license and if you had an accident with an expired drivers license and renewed it the next day after the accident will the insurance pay out?

If you were driving with an expired drivers license they will not insure you so if they find out you are up s--t creek. what they may do is ask you for your drivers license record up to date and then they will spot it. If you are lucky they wont. However they have not paying insurance down to a fine art.

What happens if you are insured and the accident is for the most part your fault but your license is expired?

== == You are OUT OF LUCK. Every auto insurance policy REQUIRES any driver to be properly qualified and LICENSED by their home state. An Expired license is NO LICENSE, at all. No License, no coverage. No coverage, equals YOU PAY the entire costs of the accident, plus you will have a really hard time getting insurance again.

What happens when you have an accident that is your fault and your insurance policy has expired?

You have to pay the cost of repairs to get there vehicle fixed. You may also have you license suspended and get a ticket.

If you get caught driving in the state of KY with expired tags what happens?

The only thing that will happen if you are caught driving with expired tags in Kentucky, is a fine of 143 dollars. No points will be added to your insurance and there is no risk of license suspension or jail time.Ê