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It depends on who and was injured in the accident, who received injuries and what property damage was received. Although it differs from state-to-state many states require (UM)Uninsured Motorist coverage as well as liability insurance.

Under Illinois law, you are required to have car insurance Liability limits of at least 20/40/15. What does this mean? It means:

$20,000 per person, for bodily injury you cause,

$40,000 per accident, for bodily injury, and

$15,000 per accident, for damage to another's property, usually their car.

Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Limits of:

$20,000 per person,

$40,000 per accident.

These are just the minimums and most drivers carry limits much higher then this. If the other driver is injured he is covered up to $20,000 per person and $40,000 per occurrence. In all actuality, the other driver's property and injury will be covered by his insurance.(The UM portion of the policy) However, this does not stop the insurance company from trying to recover the money it paid out from the liable party. This is called subrogation; the insurance company could sue you(if you were found liable) to recover damages to property and bodily injury that you caused.

Although it is estimated that 18-24% of drivers are uninsured, it is illegal and dangerous. If you were in an accident and caused damages you may have to pay civil and criminal damages and wind up paying for the rest of your life or spend time in prison.

If your car is registered, random checks are done to make sure people have auto insurance. If you don't carry proof of auto insurance and you are stopped by Illinois law enforcement, your license plates get suspended and you will receive a minimum $500 fine for driving uninsured, not to mention it then goes on your driving record and then you have to pay $100 reinstatement fee once you do get properly insured again. If you continue driving uninsured and get stopped, you get a minimum $1,000 fine for driving a vehicle while the license plates were suspended for a previous insurance violation, and a minimum 4 month suspension plus $100 reinstatement fee. Lastly, while the plates are suspended, no one may drive that vehicle.

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Q: What happens if you are in a car crash without liability insurance?
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What happens if you hit someone who has no insurance but you caused the crash?

Your insurances pays it because you caused the crash.

Auto insurance liability?

Most of the auto insurance packages come with liability insurance included, since it is usually required by the law. The main purpose of the liability insurance is to provide compensation in case of an accident. In order to make things clearer for you, when you, for example, are involved in a car crash and you have liability insurance in place, the insurance company will pay compensation to the other side. You can also check out my related links for more information and examples.

What if an unlicensed driver got into a car crash borrowing your car without permission?

Your insurance will likely cover the liability costs less deductibles. You may be forced to file charges for vehicle theft against the unlicensed driver and your insurance company may also sue him.

What happens if you crash a car being a minor with no insurance?

You die because u die

What is the difference between liability and collision coverage in auto insurance?

Liability coverage in auto insurance helps pay for damages and injuries you cause to others in an accident, while collision coverage helps pay for damages to your own vehicle in a crash, regardless of fault.

How much motorcycle insurance do you need in Florida?

Too many variables, call and ask your agent! the minimum is as follows: The Florida Financial Responsibility Law requires that any person at fault in a crash resulting in bodily injury and property damage to others must have in effect at the time of the crash full liability insurance coverage. This coverage includes minimum limits of bodily injury liability of $10,000 per person, $20,000 per crash, $10,000 property damage liability per crash, and personal injury protection limits of $10,000 per person per crash. The Florida Financial Responsibility Law DOES apply to motorcycles.

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insurance buys it & it is fixed up to sell to teenagers

What happens if i don't have insurance the day of my crash and go two court with it?

If you are guilty or are found guilty of causing the crash, your lapse of insurance will go against you. You solely will be responsible for any costs, court costs, fines, etc. And do reinstate your insurance!

Will insurance cover an alcohol related crash?

Entirely dependent on whose fault it was. Did you crash your car while drunk? Typically no, unless you have full coverage. You need to look over your plan and speak with your agent. Plans different greatly in coverage. If you have liability only, no, insurance will not cover it.

Which type of auto insurance coverage is more important?

Liability. Without it and charged with fault of an accident you face enormous fines and will have to pay medical bills for everyone injured in the crash. Don't cheap out on auto insurance ... ever. The risks are not worth ii. If you can afford the fancy mobile phone with all the perks then you can afford proper auto insurance.

True or False If you are in crash where you are at fault and injuries have occurred the Financial Responsibility Law requires you to have bodily injury insurance?

True. In most states, the Financial Responsibility Law requires drivers to have bodily injury liability insurance if they are involved in a crash where they are at fault and injuries have occurred. This insurance helps cover the medical expenses of the other party involved in the accident.

What financial law requires owners and operators of motor vehicles to be financially responsible for damages they cause when in a crash?

Every state has their own laws covering insurance and liability for damages.