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The AC will not cool properly if at all. This is one case where more isn't better.

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7y ago

The AC will fail to cool properly if at all. This is one case where more doesn't make it better.

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Q: What happens if refridgerant tank is overfilled?
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What can happen if a refrigerant storage tank is overfilled?

the tank may explode

What can happen if refrigerator storage tank is overfilled?

the tank may explode

What happens when the oil tank on a kawasaki 1500 vulcan is overfilled?

Issues can arise from having too much. Its not worth the risk. Syphon some out or drain it until you have the proper level.

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The system was overfilled and purged the excess coolant.

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How do you add refridgerant to a 1997 Geo Tracker?

Will not take is gas when filling up?

The tank has probably been overfilled before. There's a check ball at the top of the tank, often made of a porous material which will expand when immersed in fluid. Overfill the tank, and it gets jammed into the filler neck and stuck there.

What is ac expansion valve?

An ac expansion valve is the part in the ac cycle where the refridgerant goes from a smaller tube to a wider tube. Traveling through this valve causes the refridgerant to get cold similar to cracking the valve on a air tank. When the gasses go from a high pressure to a lower pressure they get cold ( PV = nrT ). The cold refridgerant then goes through an exchager where the blower blows air across to get the cold air you feel when you turn your ac system on.

What happens to a petrol tank in hot weather?

Nothing happens to the tank but the fuel will expand slightly.

What happens if someone puts 5.5 liters or 6 Quarts in Dodge Caravan 3.3 liter 6 cylinder?

If it is too overfilled it can seize the motor

What happens if there is a hole in the gas tank?

the tank will leak

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Why is fuel dripping out of the fuel evap canister Which is located on the passanger side fire wall closest to the bottom of the car?

Overfilled tank, most likely. Stop going to that gas station.