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well if they have a car accident you'll have to pay alot of money to repair the car, and if the driver is wounded maybe hospital fee or something like that.

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Q: What happens if a driver has a licenses but no insurance and you let them drive your car?
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What is a driver's licenses?

Its a card you need to have with you when you drive.

How do you get insurance without drivers licenses?

First, why would you need insurance without a drivers license? If you own a vehicle for some reason you can buy insurance on it as long as you are very truthful and list the drivers on the policy. You will be excluded as a driver and no coverage will apply if for any reason you drive the car.

If you do not have insurance but the car is insured are you okay to drive it if you are not the primary driver?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. As long as the car is insured and you have permission from the owner to drive it, you are covered.

Does federal government issue drivers licenses?

Only to members of the US military to drive military vehicles. States issue regular driver's licenses.

What happens if an excluded driver on your insurance policy cause an accident but you let them drive?

The insurance company is not liable to pay out any damages that were caused in the accident and they cancel your policy. This means that the driver bears the full financial burden for the costs of the accident.

Can you get a driver's license in Texas without insurance?

NO! You would be a fool to drive without insurance.

What happens if an unlicensed driver is driving insured car and has accident and not at fault?

You must be licensed to drive, or have a permit and a licensed driver with you. Otherwise, there are legal consequences for that driver. The insurance company may not pay for any damages depending on the policy.

If the owner has no insurance can someone else drive the vehicle?

In the UK, yes. So long as the driver has insurance.

Is it illegal for a driver with only a permit to drive his parent's car without having his name added to the insurance?

it is not illegal for a driver with only a permit to drive his parent's car without having his name added to the insurance.

What happens when you let someone with no licenses drive your car and they get in an accident?

The vehicle owners insurance company will most likely not pay the bill. Since the vehicle owner allowed an unlicensed driver to illegally operate their vehicle. The vehicle owner as well as the driver are both equally liable for the damages. The vehicle owners insurance company will most likely have to pay a negligence claim against the owner of the vehicle. If the insurer determines that their was fraud involved, such as intentionally failing to schedule a known driver to avoid premium then the Insurer may deny coverage under the policy.

In California what happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your insured car and has an accident and the other driver is licensed and insured is at fault?

the insurance of the owners car would have to be liable. basically, your not gonna get sh*t cus driving with no license or insurance automatically makes you at fault--regardless of who really in all actuality was. DONT DRIVE WITH NO INSURANCE.

Can a restricted driver drive while not on parents' insurance?

If you have your own. Otherwise it is illegal to drive without insurance...and if you cause an accident and dont have insurance to pay for it you will be in really really big trouble.