if ny reports it to nc it will. NC cooperates with almost all the states.
What can happen? Heavy fines, jail time, suspension or revocation of drivers license.
If you are in certain stated your drivers license could be suspended. Most will not though.
yes it happen to me
that happened to me and it was within less than a year of having my drivers license...i was able to go to traffic school for one but the second one had to go against my record. insurance went up.
If you haven't paid a ticket, you must respond and show up in court or your drivers license can be suspended. A warrant can also be issued for your arrest since it has been so long.
Someone could use it for ID. Contact the DMV.
You still get slammed. The logic that you not having a driver's license means you shouldn't have been there.
Other then the attached points, nothing.
Lots of possiblities. Your license could be suspended. You could have a warrant issued against you.
people today that are sixteen are getting there drivers license
I would try www.duihelpnow.info