The ground clearance of the 2010 Scion xD is 0 ft. 6.5 in. (6.5 in.).
The ground clearance of the 2009 Scion xD is 0 ft. 6.5 in. (6.5 in.).
The ground clearance of the 2012 Scion xD is 0 ft. 6.5 in. (6.5 in.).
The ground clearance of the 2011 Scion xD is 0 ft. 6.5 in. (6.5 in.).
The 2010 Scion xD has 16 valves.
The 2010 Scion xD is a gas-powered vehicle.
The 2010 Scion xD has an inline 4 engine.
The 2010 Scion xD has a 5-speed manual.
The 2010 Scion xD is 5 ft. 7.9 in. (67.9 in.) wide.
The 2010 Scion xD runs on regular unleaded.
The 2010 Scion xD has double overhead cam (DOHC).
The 2010 Scion xD is 12 ft. 10.7 in. (154.7 in.) long.
The height of the 2010 Scion xD is 5 ft. 0 in. (60 in.).