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Q: What generalization can you make that would help any shopper know which dealership has the better deal?
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If you're looking for a Buick, I imagine it would be.

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That would be an individual feat; not national. Undoubtedly, there would be Hondurans who dance much better than many Mexicans, but such generalization is impossible to prove.

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You would likely get a better deal buying a used Audi from a past owner. The dealership will charge you more, unless you are trading in an old vehicle. If this is the case, you may be able to get a better price at the dealership.

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Yes it would be cheaper to use a self-employed mechanic if you know him well, but if you don't a certified mechanic would be better for peace of mind.

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While they are not necessarily better, they do have pros such as greatly improved gas mileage, and lower efficiency. I would contact a dealership for more information.

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Another word for stereotype is "cliché" or "generalization."

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What would a shopper's experience be at GUM in Moscow?

Expensive but enjoyable.

What are mystery shopper companies in New York?

Mystery shopper companies are companies that will shop for you. However, I would not use them. I would do your shopping yourself so you know exactly what you're getting.

Block heater location on a 2008 Ford Ranger?

This would depend on where you live. But any auto parts store has better prices then the dealership.

What is the best and nearest dealership?

The best and nearest dealership depends on where you live. so for me I would go to a Honda dealership or a Toyota dealership because they make great cars.

How do you spell shoper?

The likely word is shopper (a store customer).But this spelling would sound like the longer word chauffeur (a paid driver).