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Check the fuse marked "IPC".

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Q: What fuse is bad with no working gauges on 2004 Yukon?
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Where is the fuse for the gauges in a 2004 nissan sentra?

Can you tell me what would make my oil pressure and volt gauge quit working in a 2004 Chevy truck?

Check for a fuse in fuse block marked gauges.

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Let check it out

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#4 fuse blew

Why are your dashboard gauges not working on your Mercury Cougar?

Check for a blown fuse.

Where is the fuse box in a 1994 Saturn SC2 and which fuse controls the gauges or what else might make the gauges stop working?

If all of the gauges stopped working there is probably a blown fuse in the right side of the console in the car or out under the hood in that fuse box. If all of the fuses are good then there is likely a bad gauge cluster or a wiring problem.

Why would all the gauges on the dash quit working?

Lose of power or ground since all the gauges quit working.

What causes dashboard gauges to stop working when the abs light goes on?

You probably have a short in your abs system which has blown your fuse try pulling the fuse. This happened in my 2000 sunfire and I pulled the fuse and all the gauges work now.

2004 Chevy impala dashboard lights for gauges went out but cant find the fuse for it?

It has no fuse you have to replace the bulb/s itself

What needs to be fixed when all your gauges go out on a 2004 Chevy Tahoe?

More than likely it is something as simple as a blown fuse and probably labled something like 'Gauges' or "Instr Pnl" in the fuse box. Check for a blown fuse.

Why did my fuel and temperature gauges stop working on my 1992 Toyota corolla?

One reason why fuel and temperature gauges would stop working on a 1992 Toyota Corolla would be a short in the wires. This would lead to a blown fuse. Check the fuse and replace it.

1999 jeep wrangler dash gauges not working?

If a 1999 Jeep Wrangler dash gauge stops working, check the fuse. The fuse may have blown out and will need replaced.