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The transfer case is a gear box found in 4-wheel and all-wheel drive vehicles. It receives power from the transmission and sends it to both front and rear axles.

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Q: What function does a transfer case serve in a car?
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What does it mean when the part time indicator is on when the car is in 2 wheel drive in 2000 jeep grand Cherokee Laredo?

Either the transfer case is still in part time or there is a failure in the switch on the transfer case.Either the transfer case is still in part time or there is a failure in the switch on the transfer case.

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What do you understand by the term transfer box in an automobile vehicle?

Transfer box is probably a misnomer for a transfer case ... a gearbox that delivers power to a second axle in addition to the axle that "normally" delivers the power to the wheels. In a typical four wheel vehicle, the transfer case delivers power to the front wheels in addition to the standard power delivery to the rear wheels, in the case of trucks or older SUVs. In a passenger car, the standard is front wheel drive, so a transfer case might be used to deliver power to the rear wheels. In either case, the vehicle is being reconfigured from two wheel drive to four wheel drive, by engaging ... or disengaging ... the transfer case. In all wheel drive vehicles, the transfer is happening all the time.

What are the name of cars that can be towed behind a motor home?

Any car could be. A 2wd drive car with a manual transmission can simply be put into neutral and flat towed. A 4wd vehicle with a manual transfer case can simply have the transfer case placed into the neutral position and be flat towed. Vehicles with automatic transmissions and vehicles which don't have manual transfer cases capable of being put into a neutral position (such as the electronically controlled NP233 or any all wheel drive transfer case) typically need to have the driveshaft(s) removed in order to be flat towed.

Can you transfer a car title to a new car?

No. Each car has its own separate title so you can't transfer it to a different car. You can, however, transfer title of a car from one person to another. That is part of transferring ownership of the car.

What does neutral in a car mean?

It means the transmission (or it could be applied to the transfer case, as well) is in a neutral position, not engaged in any drive gear.

When you transfer car insurance from one car to another how long does it take to be on the road?

The transfer is instant.

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What is the function of an u joint in a car?

The u-joint (universal joint) allows the driveshaft to transfer power from the transmission to the differential during constantly changing angles.