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Q: What factor causes the motion of the car to slow down as it is moving up the slope of a mountain?
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What is the main factor that causes each planet to have a continual motion around the sun?

all planets when moving Gravity and inertia.

What factor causes the motion of a car to slow down as it is moving up the slope of a mountain?

The main factor that causes the motion of a car to slow down as it moves up a slope is gravity. Gravity acts in the opposite direction to the car's motion, pulling it back down the slope. This force opposes the car's forward movement, making it slow down.

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Is climbing mountain an example of force and motion?

Yes, climbing a mountain involves force and motion. The force comes from the muscles exerting effort to move the body upward, and the motion is the act of ascending the mountain as a result of that force.

What causes plates to stop moving temporarily?

Friction causes plates to stop moving temporarily. The motion of the magma under the plates will cause the plates to move again.

What opposes motion and causes moving objects to slow down?

concervation of momentum concervation of momentum 2nd Answer: Well, not really, no. Friction causes moving objects to slow.

Would it be correct to say that inertia causes moving object to continue moving?

Yes, it is correct to say that inertia causes a moving object to continue moving. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion, so once an object is in motion, it will continue moving unless acted upon by an external force.

What force causes the horizontal motion?

The force that causes horizontal motion is typically friction generated between the object and the surface it is moving on. Additionally, propulsion forces such as from engines or a person pushing can also contribute to horizontal motion.

How does the motion of the molecules change evaporation?

They go from moving around slightly, to moving around quickly and separating from one another. This is causes by evaporation.

How does the motion of the molecules change during evaporation?

They go from moving around slightly, to moving around quickly and separating from one another. This is causes by evaporation.

Tendecy of a moving obect to keep moving in a straight line or any object to resist change in motion?

The tendency of a moving object to keep moving in a straight line is due to the concept of inertia, which is an object's resistance to changes in its motion. Inertia causes objects to maintain their current state of motion unless acted upon by an external force. This property is described by Newton's first law of motion.

What is a force that causes an object to stop moving?

Friction is the force that opposes the motion of an object and causes it to stop moving. It is generated when two surfaces rub against each other, converting kinetic energy into heat.