A hybrid is a vehicle that runs on both an energy source as in a battery which can be plugged in. It also has a smaller fuel engine that runs on gas.
form_title=Find the Best Hybrid SUV form_header=Combine the best aspects of hybrid and SUV technology in your next vehicle. What features are you looking for?=_ What hybrid features are you looking for?= [] Runs on Blended Fuel [] Uses Electricity [] Power Consumption Guides [] Other Are you looking for a full size SUV or a mini SUV?= () Full Size () Mini
The best option for a hybrid SUV would be the Ford Escape HYBRID. This vehicle is rated at the top of its class in terms of performance and fuel efficiency.
Chevrolet and Ford offer a hybrid SUV vehicle with better gas mileage then a traditional gas powered SUV. You could also try GMC, Hyundai, or toyota, all of which offer SUVs with hybrid options.
SUV cars which are used for off road driving need to be very powerful and full hybrid. Some cars which match those criteria are the Lexus RX 450h, the Volkswagen's CrossBlue hybrid SUV and the Jeep Grand Cherokee.
Hybrid SUVs get better gas milage than a normal SUV but much less than a hybrid car. But it is also going to depend on weather you are looking at a large SUV or a mid size SUV.
Right now, General Motors and Toyota are the top makers of the hybrid SUV. The typical auto maker specializes in making hybrid cars that are considered "compact" vehicles. However, customers can find some great designs from Toyota as far as hybrid SUV's are concerned. The typical customer will get 15/19 mpg from a General Motors hybrid SUV. It is very important to check what the mpg is on an SUV before making a purchase.
2013 Lexus RX Hybrid is the highest rated hybrid SUV in America. It holds a rating of 8.7 with scoring all 8's or higher for performance, safety and reliability.
If you are in the market for a hybrid SUV, there are many resources that you can use. The best example, however is at http://www.hybridsuv.com/, where there are great detailed descriptions.
The cheaperst hybrid SUV available now is the Ford,Escape by far. You can also get the sister vehicle,the Mercury Mariner for the same price.
the best fuel efficient SUV on the market is the ford escape hybrid and because it is a hybrid it is sure to give good mileage and be a reliable SUV to have
The 2013 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid currently has the best fuel economy of any luxury hybrid SUV. Couple that with the plethora of features, such as regenerative breaking and a blind spot monitor, make it stand out from other SUV's.
The target consumer of a hybrid suv is a person in a large family that wants to stay eco-friendly. SUVs in general consume a lot of gas, so purchasing the hybrid suv, which tends to be more expensive, would be beneficial in the long-run for both the wallet and economy.