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Wet brakes on any vehicle will usually result in eliminating the friction that is needed (physical surface resistance between the intended braking surfaces) to actually slow down the vehicle & bring it to a stop. Additionally, depending on the material of the brake pads & shoes being used, water can prematurely degrade the pads & shoes greatly reducing their intended service life.

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Q: What effects can wet brakes cause to a school bus?
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How much does a empty school bus weigh?

The average school bus weighs about 7 ton (14000) lbs if gross weight was over 26000 lbs the driver would need a CDL not a bus drivers endorsement and most have air over hydraulic brakes

Is it 'schoolbus' or 'school bus'?

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Anyone who knows how to. The only particular requirement legally is that, if you repair, adjust, or install air brakes, you must be certified as a brake inspector to do it.

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slack adjuster is the adjuster on the brakes of vehicles with air brakes. these are used to adjust and take the slack out of the brakes caused by usual wear on the brakes

What part of the CDL driver book you have to study for a school bus driver?

You'll have to take the General Knowledge test, air brakes test (if applicable), passenger test, you'll have to perform your pretrip and road test in a bus of the appropriate class for the class of license you're going for, and you'll have to undergo a background check for the school bus endorsement.

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School Bus Chrome National School Bus Yellow either one

What does Toman ustedes el bus escolar a la escuela mean?

"Take the school bus to school."or "Do you take the school bus to school?"

If the bus brakes and you fall Is this inertia of rest or motion?

Inertia of Motion

What if you Lost an item on a school bus?

If you go on that school bus everyday, to and from school, ask your bus driver if anybody has turned in what you are looking for.

How many tires on a school bus?

There are four tires on a school bus because there are four wheels on a school bus. that is true ^ Where I am from, they have 6.

How do you fix a school bus that stalls when you put in gear?

You start by diagnosing it to determine the cause of the issue, then repair it accordingly.

Are there bricks in the floor of a school bus?

No there are no bricks in the floor of a stock school bus but you can put bricks in the floor of a school bus if you really want to