Negligent Operation
No. Closure is the property of a set with respect to an operation. You cannot have closure without a defined set and you cannot have closure without a defined operation.
These are properties of algebraic structures with binary operations such as addition and/or subtraction defined on the set.The identity property, refers to a unique element of the set with special properties with respect to an operation.The commutative property states that the order of the operands does not matter. There are many algebraic structures where this property does not hold. The set of numbers with the operation subtraction or division do not have this property.The associative property states that the order in which a repeated operation is carried out does not matter.The distributive property is applicable when there are two binary operations defined on the set.
A set, S, with a binary operation, ~, defined on it has an identity (with respect to the operation) if there is an element, i, in S such that for all x in S,x ~ i = x = i ~ x. For example, when ~ is addition, i is denoted by 0, and when ~ is multiplication, i is denoted by 1.
The exact difference depends upon the wording of the laws of the state involved. There is no universal definition of careless or reckless driving that covers every state in the US. In NJ, under NJSA 39"4-97, careless driving is defined as driving carelessly or without due caution and circumspection, in a manner so as to endanger, or be likely to endanger a person or property. Reckless driving under NJSA 39:4-96, is defined as driving heedlessly, in wilfull or wanton disrefard of the rights or safety of others, in a manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger, a person or property. Reckless driving is the more severe of the two and carries the higher penalty.
the identity property is when you multiply a number and the product is the same as the number you multiply by * * * * * The identity property for a binary operation defined on a set of elements is one member of the set, denoted by i, such that for every member x which belongs to the set, x*i = i*x = x The set may consist of numbers, or square matrices, or other mathematical elements. The binary operation may be addition (if so, i = 0), multiplication (if so, i = 1) or some other operation. For any particaular operation on any particular set, the identity element, i, will be unique. But, as illustrated above, if you change the operation you may end up with another identity element.
The COMMUTATIVE property states that the order of the arguments of an operation does not matter. In symbolic terms, for elements a and b and for the operation ~, a ~ b = b ~ a The ASSOCIATIVE property states that the order in which the operation is carried out does not matter. Symbolically, for elements a, b and c, (a ~ b) ~ c = a ~ (b ~ c) and so, without ambiguity, either can be written as a ~ b ~ c. The DISTRIBUTIVE property is a property of two operations, for example, of multiplication over addition. It is not the property of a single operation. For operations ~ and # and elements a, b and c, symbolically, this means that a ~ (b # c) = a ~ b # a ~ c. The existence of an IDENTITY is a property of the set over which the operation ~ is defined; not a property of operation itself. Symbolically, if the identity exists, it is a unique element, denoted by i, such that a ~ i = a = i ~ a for all a in the set. For example, you can define addition on all positive integers which will have the commutative and associative properties but the identity (zero) and additive inverses (negative numbers) are undefined as far as the set is concerned. I have deliberately chosen ~ and # to represent the operations rather than addition or multiplication because there are circumstances in which these properties do not apply to multiplication (for example for matrices), and there are many other operations that they can apply to.
The probability that an adversary will exploit a weakness in your operation, tempered by the impact to your mission, is defined as the:A. Risk
The mass of an object is defined as physical property. You can read this answer at:Is_mass_a_natural_or_chemical_property
The opposite is defined in the context of an operation. So, if the operation is addition, then the opposite is the additive inverse. If the operation in multiplication, then the opposite is the reciprocal. If the operation is exponentiation then the opposite is the logarithm, if the operation is sine then the opposite is arc sine. In function notation, if y = f(x) then the opposite is x = f-1(y), which may or may not always be defined.