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It's a guard rail warning sign

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Q: What does the upright rectangle road sign with diagnal lines mean?
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How would you use verdical in a sentence?

I assume you mean vertical, not verdical.The rectangle has 2 vertical lines, and 2 horizontal lines.

What is rectangle with wiggle lines and arrow pointing down mean?

Possibly rear window defroster.

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What do diagnal mean?

Diagonal is a straight line through a figure from one corner to another corner, for example, the diagonal divided the square into two triangles.

How do you calculate the area of on incomplete rectangle?

It is not clear what you mean by an incomplete rectangle. If it means the rectangle is not closed then there is a problem of defining its area: what is inside and what is outside when you do not have a boundary? It is not clear what you mean by an incomplete rectangle. If it means the rectangle is not closed then there is a problem of defining its area: what is inside and what is outside when you do not have a boundary? It is not clear what you mean by an incomplete rectangle. If it means the rectangle is not closed then there is a problem of defining its area: what is inside and what is outside when you do not have a boundary? It is not clear what you mean by an incomplete rectangle. If it means the rectangle is not closed then there is a problem of defining its area: what is inside and what is outside when you do not have a boundary?

What does a shaded rectangle around a city mean?

if there is a number attached to a shaded rectangle mean

Can upright mean doing what is right?

yes it can

What does candida rectaque mean?

Pure and upright

What is a irregular rectangle called?

What I mean is, a rectangle where none of the sides are the same. Like a Scalene triangle, but with a rectangle.

Every rectangle is a square?

No! Every rectangle has a square if that's what you mean

What does area of a rectangle mean?

Area of a square/rectangle=its length × its width

What does pilliar mean?

A slender upright stucture,cloumn