You should keep at least a three second distance to the car ahead.
three seconds plus following distance.
There is a five second rule for a throw in.
Rule of three means when in drama the first time you want something to happen it does not work, then when you try the second time it does not work again, and the third time it works.
When following a vehicle in front of you.
The four second rule is very simple, while following another vehicle when he passes a certain line or passes under a bridge you simply starting of the seconds and you should be at the four second mark or higher.
In 1936.
"The rule of three" means that things often occur in groups of three.
You have to acknowledge a customer within three seconds of them entering the store.
Yes, using either the 2-second rule or the 3-second rule means that as your driving speed increases, you leave more distance between you and the car ahead of you.
The 3 second rule refers to dropping a piece of food on the floor and if you pick it up within three seconds, it is still safe to eat.
I always heard of the two second rule but I am not sure if that is law.